This is a list of changes to the site.
If you are disappointed that I didn't mean the newer sense of "blog", see laetitia_apis — I rarely post on Live Journal, but any comments you leave there are forwarded to an address that isn't unusably infested with spam, at least not yet. [checked on 2 January 2018 that it works.] [Live Journal is dying, but I don't plan to bother to delete my account.]
I'm on Facebook too. I don't try to keep up with the convulsions of the site, but I do check my inbox now and again. (December 2022: It has been some time since Facebook allowed me to post, comment, or respond to messages, but I'm still allowed to read. June 2023: allowed to read posts most of the time, messages once in a great while.)
and I read alt.sewing nearly every day.
Raw notes: Corrected link above to current year.
PAGESEW is now all in one directory! ED.DIR works
DosBox dedicated the key to get at ED.DIR to
another use, but F6 and the directory work.
Time to start a file for a project blog, but I'm
still trying to piece the Web site together.
I have regained the ability to update my Web
Long story involving a dead computer.
I removed some "to to"s from ROUGH007.HTM Tools.
I did! At long last, Dosbox on OPTIPLEX31 is
working, and as soon as the Internet comes back up
I can download PAGESEW and search it for
It was quite easy after an hour or so of fumbling
around to find out which buttons to push.
"OPTIPLEX31" is what the sticker on the tower
says; I doubt that that is its name, but I
*haven't* figured out how to find out what the
computer calls itself, let alone how to change it
to JOYLINUX. Doesn't really matter because it
down't connect to the intranet and the tower is
presumed to be not long for this world.
I wonder why they call them "towers" when they are
slab-shaped -- and have feet on one of the broad
My notes on the radical-sewing book are where I
thought they were, but I don't feel like
transcribing them tonight.
But I will be writing a new entry for
I found and corrected a Comcast mailto in
I must get PC-Write working on optiplex31 so that
I can search the entire website for "comcast".
I took another picture for that page, but haven't
edited it yet.
I have been adding notes to the bibliography.
Split this year's sewing diary into two manageable
parts, altered table of contents accordingly,
began correcting 2024SEW1.HTM and making a spine
index in the TOC.
I started a file named INVENTRY.HTM to keep track
of my fabric stash.
While in a waiting room, I took a few notes on the
book I'm reviewing.
I've begun reviewing a book. I should make
sure that the bibliographies are linked from the
table of contents!
Whoosh, this file hasn't been in DOSBOX since I
don't remember when. Discovered it
yesterday when I wanted to enter a change I'd
made, but now I don't remember what.
So today's change is that I've resumed recording
Yesterday I finally got around to adding the
current sewing diary to the table of
contents. Upon checking to see whether I'd
uploaded it (I haven't), I noticed that I need to
mark the link at the top of the page as a link to
the Table of Contents -- it looks like a title for
the Table of Contents, and seeing a screenful of
change notes under it is confusing.
Closed out 2023SEW2.HTM and uploaded it.
Haven't removed it from editing folder.
Discovered that the current version of index.html
hadn't been uploaded, uploaded it.
Yesterday I uploaded a new photograph of
Grandmother's bodkins to PICTURES OF TOOLS.
Took the whole morning.
I created a subfolder for knitting, but have not
yet changed the table of contents to link to it.
My scanner will make a PDF that will support
keyword search. That makes posting a PDF
instead of proper hypertext much less offensive,
so it would be possible to add "How to Stop
Knitting" to my Web site without a prohibitive
amount of retyping.
But do I have the stamina to scan eighteen pages
all in one sitting? There is probably a
way to concatenate separate PDf files, but I
haven't a clue as to how to find out how to do it.
Took some pictures a few days ago. They are
still in the camera; been too much Real
Life™ to deal with them.
Couldn't sleep last night, got up and created a
project blog for a six-pocket apron I'm probably
not going to make. ROUGH064.HTM is not yet
linked from the table of contents.
I have been refreshing RUFFTEXT in segments, with
an eye to being able to refresh the whole folder
in one go. Filezilla can be set to skip
files that aren't newer than the target, which
allows a huge upload to finish before there is a
glitch in the connection. Also before I get
bored and walk away from the computer.
Today's ride was rained out, but I didn't do
anything else either. I did fiddle with
the project blogs for the pink jersey and the
18th-Century cap. Created a link to
2023SEW2.HTM from ROUGH063.HTM mostly from memory,
and it worked the first time.
I'd better find a place for the cap in the Table
of Contents.
I created a file for a project blog for a linen
cycling cap.
Created links to new project blog and pink-jersey
blog. Both are still plain text.
Pictures have been cropped, scaled, and uploaded.
Still no comments on denim pillow ticks.
I'm about to upload ROUGH057, but the now-working
links should be edited, if only to remove the
It turns out that the links are just fine -- the
scaled photographs don't exist.
I corrected the wrong-level links in
Calling-Card Sewing Kit, but haven't uploaded the
corrected file to the server.
I lost access to the Web site for a few days, but
the problem was solved when we increased our
storage to ten gig.
Which affords only two gig for additional
photographs. We shall have to increase it
again soon, but we are paying only fifteen dollars
a month now; it won't cost much.
I've replaced one of the files that was zeroed
when the cloud couldn't accept one more byte, but
don't know how many more there are, or which
ones. At least one of the files that I
thought I'd over-written was still there.
Spellchecked 2023SEW2.HTM and did some other
I realized, while crawling around on the floor
in a vain attempt to halfway civilize the sheet
on my modern mattress, that I don't need to
finish the essay on making beds. The modern
you-need-a-ladder mattress can't be made.
Added the bottom matter to 2023SEW2.HTM and began
clean-up on 2023SEW1.HTM.
Yesterday evening I tried to make an entry in
2023SEW3.HTM, only to find that it didn't exist.
An Explorer search turned up four back-up copies,
and three of them were current. This
sounds like a triumph for a habit of making
back-ups, but it's Explorer's habit of making it
blooming easy to move a file when one meant to
copy it that almost certainly accounts for the
disappearance of the file in the first place.
I wonder why clicking on the files opened them in
Notebook instead of Firefox -- each had a Firefox
logo on it.
Still need to close out January-June and move the
bottom matter to July-December.
I have begun 2023SEW2.HTM, but have yet to move
the to-do list etc. into it, and 2023SEW1.HTM
hasn't been spell-checked etc.
I intend to start a diary for the pink jersey Real
Soon Now. I'll call it ROUGH062.HTM.
7:50 AM 7/3/2023 WEBLOG: figured out way to copy
data into text files -- maybe.
I cropped and scaled a bunch of pictures for
ROUGH061.HTM yesterday, and corrected the links.
I stumbled across some Comcast links too.
Pity my crippled computer won't allow me to hunt
for them. Or to correct them while I still
remember what was wrong.
The steroids did send my sciatica into
remission. Now if I had some time to train
. . . and a comfortable jersey to wear.
Upkeep on the diary 2023SEW1.HTM and the project
blog ROUGH061.HTM is about all that's going
on. As if a crippled computer weren't
enough, now *I'm* crippled. I'm hoping that
a course of steroids will fix it up.
Took a picture of work in progress for
ROUGH061.HTM and couldn't upload it to the
computer. I suspect that the USB port has
I scaled some pictures for ROUGH61.HTM, the diary
of my new quilting-fabric jersey.
Haven't had much time to write. Real Life
(TM), as the fen say. ("(TM)" is supposed
to be a trademark symbol.)
It's a very big nuisance that this version of
DOSBox disables undo deletion.
Took the comments off my cluttery To-Do list so I
could read it without opening DOSBox.
Current entries in 2023SEW1.HTM are being made in
hypertext. Vast swathes of older entries
are <pre>.
I tidied the to-do list
Moved a month and a half of notes out of
blogsew.txt into 2023SEW1.HTM.
Closed out 2022SEW1.HTM, after a fashion, and I'm
done with it in my way. At any rate, I plan
to move it out of DOSBOX after I back up the
directory. (Or is that "folder"?)
I closed out 2021SEW2.HTM today -- and in the
process, discovered that 2021SEW1.HTM needs work.
twenty-six minutes after one in the morning.
I've just finished putting spaces between
sentences in 2022SEW1.HTM.
There's a *reason* I usually divide the diary into
two parts!
I learned today that my DOSBOX monitor allows me
to put windows side-by-side when I'm purging
BLOGSEW.TXT of stuff that has already been
No hope of ever replacing the computer I was
almost ready to transfer all hypertext files to
when it blew a couple of capacitors. I'm
gradually learning how to make a crippled computer
limp along on crutches. Kinder behind on
backups, which is very rash when one is using a
crippled computer.
Copied a bunch of stuff from BLOGSEW.TXT to
2022SEW1.HTM. Figured out how to copy it as
<pre> in one step; saves a lot of time.
I had a few hours today when I was too tired to
sort scraps and make bias, so I copied notes from
blogsew.txt to 2022SEW1.HTM, and formatted quite a
lot of them. I might even get around to
uploading the revised file to the Web.
Perhaps I was also too tired to edit. After
an hour so I thought "I've got a *lot* of work in
this file; I'd better back it up." So I
shut down DOSBOX -- actually, it was hitting F2
when I meant to hit F3 that alerted me to the need
to back up.
I not only moved the folder when I mean to copy
it, I dropped it into some random folder.
Though Explorer's search function says "All files
and folders", it adamantly refuses to search for a
folder. After a certain amount of despair,
I thought of searching for a copy of 2022SEW1.HTM
that had been modified today. Turned up two
files, one a back-up I'd made before starting to
mess with the files, and a copy in PAGEN3F.
*And* it *told* me which folder it was in!
After recovering my work and backing it up, I took
a nap.
I've figured out how to plug in the iron without
unplugging the monitor of the computer that runs
I have figured out how to upload pictures, but so
far I've done it only for my diaryzine.
Updates and corrections continue to be awkward to
the point of not getting done. I keep
2022SEW1.HTM going by taking notes in a text file
inside DOSBOX, so they can be moved into the
correct file when I've opened DOXBOX.
It's time to split off 2022SEW2.HTM, and I still
haven't closed out 2021SEW*.HTM.
The ultimate-unedit file comes through! While I
was attempting to mark a month's worth of notes in
BLOGSEW.TXT, so that I could move them to
2022SEW1.HTM, they vanished, and ctl F4 did not
bring them back. But PC-Write automatically
freshens the backup BLOGSEW.&TX when I open the
file, and all my notes were safe.
So now they have been copied to 2022SEW1.HTM and
uploaded to the server, and you can go there and
read them.
I'll try not to go so long before opening DOSBOX
again. And I'm now writing a real letter
in DOSBOX under Linux on the other computer, so I
may figure out how to add to a file without a lot
of rigmarole in a month or two, which will give me
more time to write, as opposed to fiddling with my
Today I copied PAGESEW and PAGEJOY from the USB
stick DH copied the drive of the crashed computer
I'm still crippled, but I can update my Web sites
This was made possible when DH gave me a USB
octopus that got my USB port out where I can plug
sticks into it. I can also plug in two
sticks, which is an order of magnitude better than
one. (Though an invisible patch on the
change from none to one!)
If you can read this, I've successfully uploaded
this file.
The Agent thing didn't work out -- turns out that
this version of DOSBOX disables the ability to
copy the clipboard into a non-Windows program.
There are more complaints about my computer crises
my sewing diary.
Much to my astonishment, rotating one monitor also
rotates the other monitor. It is barely
short of impossible to change the rotation of a
monitor that is in the wrong rotation.
Finally the dime dropped: Change the rotation
just before switching to the other monitor.
Changing rotation, changing monitors, opening the
directory, choosing a file, and remembering to
click F6 rather than enter isn't much trouble when
I mean to sit down and edit for a while, but it
does discourage one from jotting down casual
notes. I have opened a draft in Alt Sewing
in Agent. Hope I remember to date the
entries and don't get confused.
Slow progress on recovering my computer. I
have resumed updating 2021SEW2.HTM, but still have
no way to upload it. Got a monitor switch
today; as soon as I rotate A by ninety degrees, I
can resume reading Web sites on a portrait screen,
and an un-removable privacy notice won't cover
half the weather.
Soon it will be time to transfer the notes I took
with Notepad. I was fretting over how much
trouble it was to re-format the Banner so that the
notes wouldn't all be smushed up on one line when
I realized that I can simply put
<pre></pre> around the notepad-format
Yay! I can add entries to this blog again!
I still can't upload them to the website, but I
hope to learn how to use FileZilla soon.
Using FileZilla to upload an update is like
planting tulips with a backhoe but, if I recall
correctly, it *will* copy a single file if asked
very nicely.
"Nice" here in the sense of "exact".
I must check to see whether WSFTP will run on XP.
Still haven't split 2022SEW1.HTM off of
Still need to correct the links in SEWBIRD.HTM.
Edited some pictures in BLOGXXII and linked them
to 2021SEW1.HTM. Someday I'll cut the
January entries off 2021SEW2.HTM and start
Found SEWBIRD.HTM and SEWBIRD.JPG, moved both to
RUFFTEXT/TOOLS. Have not corrected the
links, but I did delete three Comcast addresses.
Complained on 2021SEW2.HTM that I couldn't find my
write-up of pants protectors for bike
riding. Also noticed that 2021SEW2.HTM
hasn't been put to bed yet.
Edited ROUGH010.HTM: Edge Finishes
Finished the spine index for 2020SEW2.HTM,
corrected a couple of typos found while reading
the file.
I've started 2021SEW1.HTM, and I've taken a
picture and cropped and scaled and posted it.
I added a quote from School Needlework to ROUGH007
I found out why ROUGH059 wouldn't display
OCT3_1.png. The file's name is Oct3_1.png.
Began moving the poncho-shirt diary to
ROUGH060.HTM. The file needs a lot of
editing. I probably also need to crop and
scale the pictures I moved to PONCHO_files, soon
to be changed to "PONCHO", to match the other
subdirectories of RUFFTEXT.
Later: on the other hand, leave well enough
I made some minor changes to ROUGH030.HTM,
"Notions". I suspect that I'll have to run
a search-and-replace to change <p> to
</p><p> before I can validate it.
And on the third hand, I might want to add some of
the photos I found in the desktop GRAPHICS folder,
and a uniform directory name would make that
Searched site for "comcast", deleted a few
obsolete text files.
Additions to ROUGH059.HTM are in progress.
The diary on the octagon mask in ROUGH059.HTM is
complete, except for some editing, and I've
started a new one for a lined octagon mask.
I cropped and scaled some photographs for the mask
diary in ROUGH059.HTM.
I've been designing a mask in ROUGH059.HTM, with
much discussion of creating a Web-able diagram.
Started writing a discussion of pleated masks in
Searched RUFFTEXTnnn.txt/htm for "comcast".
Found two pages in need of repair, repaired one,
but need to create an e-mail address. The
other was a couple of URL that I need to find,
copy, and paste.
Snipped the pictures I left in 2020SEW1.HTM when I
split off 2020SEW2.HTM, and revalidated.
Then I revalidated 2020SEW2.HTM, and it passed
2020SEW1.HTM validated first pass, and so did
2020SEW2.HTM. Did I validate yesterday?
2020SEW1.HTM now ready for validation. I
found and repaired a broken link in INCTEXT.HTM.
I finally split off July's entries from
2020SEW1.HTM, and now it's time to run the spell
checker and bring the spine-type index on the
Table of Contents page up to date.
Photographed my mother's sunbonnet-baby needlebook
and my snack-bag sewing kit.
Scaled WALLET47.JPG and uploaded it.
Finished spine-indexing 2019SEW2.HTM.
I took a picture for the wallet diary today,
#47. When I stared naming them
WALLETnn.JPG, I thought a hundred names were
worlds, then I realized that I often shoot half a
dozen pictures and throw away all but one, and
sometimes take pictures for other purposes, so I'm
relieved to have more than half my hundred left.
But I intend to take a few more pictures for the
wallet, and might well start another project that
calls for picture-taking before I finish cleaning
up the blog.
Too busy darning a jersey to wear tomorrow to crop
and scale the picture.
I eventually thought of taking all pictures on a
white background, to match the background of my
Web site.
No more progress on closing out 2019. I did
process a photograph for the wallet diary,
ROUGH057.HTM, today.
I'm proofreading 2019SEW2.HTM and updating the
"spine index" on the Table of Contents.
I kept clicking on ROUGH057.TXT when I wanted
ROUGH057.HTM, so I deleted TXT.
I never created ROUGH.058.TXT. No current
plans to delete 047 through 056. I'll wait
until they annoy me.
057 is a blog for the wallet I'm making; 058 is
the coin purse I plan to make.
Found the Web copy of Rough 50 was an obsolete
version, added a pointer to Rough 58 and uploaded
it, plan to validate it Real Soon now.
I have a blog started for my new coin purse:
Rough 58. The blog for the old coin purse
(Rough 50) needs a lot of work, but isn't going to
get it. I now consider it obsolete.
I'm thinking of deleting the text copies of
ROUGH047 to the end, since ROUGH046 is the latest
one that isn't hypertext. I can search
those files separately. I don't do a global
search often enough that making it a two-step
process would be annoying.
Deleting the lines that freshen the ROUGH0??.HTM
files would make closing two clicks faster, but
I'm so accustomed to making those two clicks . . .
On the other hand, deleting the un-needed files
would eliminate the possibility of polluting the
Web site with them. Removing surplus files
from the server can be tedious.
It validated on the second try! I missed
three misplaced <p>s, and there was a
ghost error (closing tag for a div that isn't
open), presumably caused by one of the errors
that I corrected. But they were all
close-paragraph tags that were a few lines too
low; I don't see how that would affect "div".
The second round of corrections increased the file
size by thirteen bytes, but I only moved and
deleted characters. ??
Whatever, it's valid now.
Corrected the link from bags to casings.
I linked from casings to bags. Now I need
to correct the link from bags to casings.
Took and uploaded the picture illustrating the
entry for 3 March 2019 in sewing diary.
It's filed in RUFFTEXT/EDGEFIN in case I get
around to hypertexting Edge Finishes.
Hah! The validator found only one teeny
mistake -- a <p> in the wrong place -- in
Paged through ROUGH0??.TXT looking for missing
divs, reformatted ROUGH048.HTM (and copied it to
ROUGH048.TXT) and validated it.
I have a LOT of text files that haven't been
hypertexted yet. But I'll div all the
unfinished hypertext files before starting a new
conversion, starting with ROUGH49.HTM
arrows. That page also has a broken link,
which I think I can repair tonight.
Must have been some other file that didn't have
This file has lots of vestiges from its
text-file incarnation. I made no effort to
change them. There were several links to
.txt that I changed to .htm.
All my h3 headers were nested improperly.
In the process of changing them, I've been
removing textfile header indicators.
I thought sure all my paragraph breaks would be
flagged as errors, but so far, none.
You also can't put a header inside <a name=,
but it turns out that a carriage return is
sufficient content for <a name= .
Never thought of trying it because a space won't
Corrected a link in ROUGH005.HTM.
I have started a glossary page.
Now I have to remember how definition lists work.
I think I have an example in Shuttle Solitaire.
Corrected the typo in the revised-on date,
corrected a typo in Book Reviews, corrected the
table of contents in ROUGH010.HTM, Edge
Finishes. Validated all three.
Then I added a table of contents to ROUGH009.HTM,
Seams, lower-cased some all-caps headers left over
from the text version, corrected some mistakes,
and validated it.
About fifty pages still need work.
Cleaned up the format of ROUGH054.HTM: Book
reviews. It validated on the third try.
I also altered the Table of Contents to point at
the current version. I haven't yet validated
it, or corrected a typo in the revised-on date.
Edited the Table of Contents
Final-edited 2019SEW1.HTM today. Now to
untangle the mess I moved into 2019SEW2.HTM.
Not too long ago, PC-Write informed that it
couldn't load WORDS.MAS into memory, so I created
2019SEW2.HTM and moved the to-do list into it.
Today, I got the out-of-memory message
again. I need to move the entry for 3 June
and down into 2019SEW2.HTM and close out January
– May.
2019SEW1.HTM takes a detectable time to upload
now. Perhaps I have been more verbose than
I was last year.
I validated 2019SEW1.HTM and found a bunch of
Before that, I scaled about half a dozen
photographs and put them in their proper places in
the file. Two pictures were also cropped.
And before that, I went to the server and deleted
a bunch of trash, most of it Jaypegs, with a few
GIFs and some hypertext.
I occupy more of Dave's web site than he
does. He uploads pictures every five
minutes, but each over-writes a previous one; mine
Validated 2019SEW.HTM. It took only two
passes; all mistakes were stray </p>s.
This morning I searched RUFFTEXT for "comcast" and
didn't find anything but references to my e-mail
address. Might be links to the site that
isn't there any more in the PAGESEW folder, but
there isn't an easy way to search non-consecutive
It's a pity that I didn't name my diary files
"1SEW2019" instead of "2019SEW1".
Reformatted ROUGH045.HTM: Designing &
Assembling Broadfall Pants
I am de-messing LINJERSY.HTM.
I scaled two photos and added them to BLOG1XIX
Added a link under "Needlework Compendiums" in
Searched site for "comcast" and revised
ROUGH36.HTM a bit. Still needs work.
Also found "comcast" on ROUGH45, but felt too
tired to repair it.
Made a start on closing out 2018SEW2.HTM.
Corrected a spaced hyphen in 2016SEW1.HTM.
Found the spot -- or *a* spot -- saying that wool
felt is no more, and added a paragraph saying that
Gohn Brothers have it. I think that was
Added a word to rufftext/rough039.txt.
Made a small edit to a book review.
This morning I tried to add content to a file in
the folder where I keep my
What do you know! I searched RUFFTEXT for
Comcast, found that "ROUGH925.HTM: Knots"
needed a lot of work, did the work, fed it into
the validator, and it passed on the first try!
The page could be improved a lot, but it's good
enough to make refining it wasted effort. I
might could change the header to "List of Knots"
-- I think that that is all that actually needs to
be done. How fancy does a list need to be?
Created ED.DIR for POCK011.
Searched RUFFTEXT for "comcast", which revealed
that Bags & Pillows (ROUGH023.HTM) needed a *lot*
of work, stayed up late.
I cleaned up, closed out, and validated
I created a subfolder of RUFFTEXT named POCK011,
and added two photographs to ROUGH011.HTM:
Pockets. Haven't created ED.DIR yet.
Also took a picture of the slop pants I'm planning
to alter, but haven't added it to my sewing diary
At the end of May, I found pictures intended for
BLG1XIIX in 2018BANN. Moved them, haven't
linked them yet.
Validated the diary.
Tried to correct the link complained of in
previous post. Discovered that I already
had. I don't remember what the problem was.
Found a "see" that could be made into a link, did
Corrected some overlooked "up to TOC" links in
ROUGH010.HTM. The link above "Shirt-tail
Hems Meet Facings" adamantly refuses to correct
even though I copy-and-pasted a link that does
undiv. Nothing above or below it seems
different. Validating didn't turn up any
errors except the inexplicable objection to
Put the missing pictures in their proper places,
refined the text in the tutorialoid documentary.
Took "may" out of "Pictures which may have been
Edited and linked the photgraphs I took yesterday
for the tutorialoid documentation of the third cat
quilt. While cleaning up ED.DIR for
BLG1XIIX afterward, I found some files that might
be the "?? I was sure I photographed this"
spots. Checking now to see whether they
have been linked.
Found 'em, edited them, made the links.
Will put the links into their proper places and
re-write tomorrow.
Added some general remarks to ROUGH011.HTM:
Validated "ROUGH011: Pockets" this
evening. I found a few things to add to my
to-do list in the process. Two or three
comments used the PC-Write comment code —
which doesn't do anything if you don't print the
file, and I wore out all the printers that I have
PC-Write printer files for. Not to mention
that I never intended that file to be printed. ???
The validator doesn't like the table of
contents. No surprise, since it's the same
code as ROUGH010.HTM.
I didn't have an icon for 010, so I clicked on an
icon for 011, intending to F5 to 010. 011
is now ready to feed to the validator, but I'm too
sleepy to do it tonight. Besides, I want to
read the funnies.
all the files that 011 links to are worse messes
than it was.
I couldn't sleep last night, so I worked on 009
for a couple of hours. It was a real mess
A few days ago I started to search the site for
"comcast", Long story short, ROUGH010.HTM
almost validates, but I need to replace the links
to the Table of Contents with
</div><div> links, And I must
find out why <ul> isn't allowed in the Table
of Contents. Prolonged use of DuckDuckGo in
an attempt to find out told me how to get rid of
the bullets, but by using embedded style
At least my three uses of "ul" are all WC3 has to
complain about.
And there's a note in my to-do list that
ROUGH009.HTM needs to be "revised", whatever I
meant by that. I was a little more specific
with the note on 010.
I added a picture and a link, collected a few
spurious end tags while replacing the TOC links
— or, rather, while adding some that I'd
overlooked — but I still don't know what WC3
has against my table of contents.
Ran 2018 Sewing Diary, Part One through the
validator. Three errors found and
Started searching RUFFTEXT for "comcast", got as
far as ROUGH005.TXT, spent rest of time editing
"Flat Things" and correcting the links on
ROUGH048.HTM, which is where I found the correct
links to paste into 005 — commented out
because that file had last been edited during the
change from Comcast to wlweather.
I should put a set of links in ED.DIR for ready
reference. And right now I'm going to copy
Jobs like this are easier when I have access to my
spelling checker and defined keys!
Added photos and comments to the "bodkin" section
Also added "photograph horsehair brush" to my list
of things to do.
Validated this file. Decided to ignore the
twenty "character & not allowed in attribute
specification list"s that start at line 439.
Perhaps I should start WEBLOG3 to put them where
they don't clog the validator.
Created the link from Aprons to Edge
Finishes. In the process I discovered that
Elastic Casings is incoherent; the information is
there, but you really have to dig for it.
I also discovered that I needed to run a search
for "See" and put in some more links.
ROUGH042.HTM is complete, validated, and linked.
But I found some other pages that are a real
mess. In particular, I must search all my
pages for the string "comcast".
Yesterday I started work on converting 042, the
apron essay, into HTML.
I also added "hong kong finish" to the list of
"words to know" on the index-and-scraps
page. Perhaps I should add a glossary.
Began HTMLing the essay on aprons. Found a
bunch of other stuff to correct in the process,
but don't remember what.
Deleted "Best viewed in a narrow window" from
ROUGH.HTM, and noted that at least one of the
comments in the Table of Contents needs to be
Just finished validating
after some major changes in format yesterday and
today. I also added a photograph of a
bodkin. There's another photograph I must
add. And I found two broken image links and
changed "6H" to "6h".
I validated OUTLINK.HTM yesterday, and the link I
was trying to add still acted like a
comment tag. Finally traced the problem to
a missing close quote. Getting all the
other errors out made it a bit easier to find.
Today I plan to finish adding the link and answer
the fan letter that inspired it.
What a struggle! I lost count of the number
of times I ran 2017 Sewing Diary, Part Two through
the validator. But now it validates —
and I improved the format here and there in the
I'd better open my diary for March and post a
reminder to validate 2018 Part One halfway
Also uploaded pictures of the finished bras to
BLG2XVII, and, while checking that I'd uploaded
all of them, found a few that I had thought had
been already uploaded.
The Table of Contents now validates.
Added "<style type="text/css"> div
{max-width: 40em; margin: 0 auto; }
</style>" to the Table of Contents.
In the process, I learned that one must put
"</div> before and <div> after any
illustration that is more than forty ems
wide. I did that for the dividing line
between the intro and entries of this file, so
that it can extend the full width of the screen
instead of blending in.
Of course the size of an em varies with type size,
but I don't think anyone will view my files with a
font so teeny that forty ems are less than six
hundred pixels. That would make an em only
fifteen pixels wide. I have tried, and
can't ctl- my lines narrower than my standard
I corrected some links in "Get Out of Here".
That page (OUTLINK.HTM) needs a thorough revision,
but isn't going to get it any time soon.
I scaled some pictures to illustrate 2017SEW2.HTM.
Yesterday I corrected some obsolete links in a
file that can't be reached from the Table of
Contents yet. It's mentioned in the text
file about mending that it *should* be linked.
Perhaps it's time to hypertext the mending file.
Added two pictures of rulers to "pictures of
tools". Introduced an error someplace that
keeps </center> from turning off
centering. Must validate the file Real Soon
While postponing a weeding session in the garden,
I discovered that ROUGH007.TXT contains complete
instructions for making a wallet sewing kit.
All I need to do is to copy them over and add tags
and pictures.
But right now, I'm going to pull a few weeds.
Found the comments, copied June 2016 into ROUGH052.HTM,
deleted the irrelevant lines, there was nothing
left but a remark that I meant to make a tutorial.
At least the file is no longer empty.
The links at the bottom need editing.
I should validate 2017SEW2.HTM at intervals, so as
not to have dozens and dozens of mistakes to
correct at one sitting. Also, someone may
be reading it.
Found some images missing while validating
2017SEW1.HTM. To my great relief, each was
only a matter of having substituted "H" for "h" in
the link. Nearly all the many errors the
validator found were misplaced </p>s.
When falling asleep last night, I remembered that
the comments I'd made about the calling-card
sewing kits had been in my sewing diary. So
if I check the dates on the photographs, I should
easily find the comments.
⁂ 2017SEW1.HTM has validated!
I began 2017SEW2.HTM a few days ago, and plan to
close out 2017SEW1.HTM today.
Finding and finishing the calling-card sewing kit
tutorial has moved to the top of the to-do
list. Mem: when creating a directory
to hold illos for a particular file, put the name
of the file the illos are for in ED.DIR.
⁂ Never did find the tutorial I'm *sure* I started
typing. After creating ROUGH052.HTM, I
launched a serious search for the file, which
SEW_KITS.HTM says is called CARD.HTM, but have
concluded that I only thought the
comments that I recall writing. (You'd be
amazed at how many files on my C drive contain the
work "card". But I did substantial file
cleaning and organizing in the process.
I thought I'd put 2017SEW1.HTM away, but while
reading Usenet, I realized that I'd forgotten to
spell check it.
I have split my training log, but have
yet to neaten up my sewing log.
Photographed a fold-bottom patch pocket to add to
my essay on fold-bottom pockets, then discovered
that I'd never gotten any farther with it than
creating a folder to put it in. I think
I'll added it to the bottom of the page about
Yesterday I converted an old mailing-list post
into a new page for the site, but haven't linked
to it yet. I've also added a line to the
copyright notice, but have not uploaded it yet.
I've been neglecting this log, but I have not been
neglecting the site.
I had to split my training log into two pieces
today, because the file was too long. This
has nothing to do with Rough Sewing, but
PAGEJOY doesn't have a blog.
The Table of Contents now links to the Pocket
Wallet blog.
Accidentally opened 2016SEW1.HTM by mistake for
2016SEW2.HTM (Haven't changed my bookmark yet),
got to reading it, found that the link to the
basted-arrow tutorial was broken. After
much sturm & drang & angst & effort, disovered
that there was a suprlus "/" in the URL.
But in the process, I found that all the image
links in that tutorial — which is ALL images
— give "file is not on this server", and
that file most definitely is on that
server. It also says the "ARROW" directory
doesn't exist, but I can get at its index through
the index for RUFFTEXT. Worry and fret and
pounding my head on the walls avails nothing;
there is not the slightest thing wrong with any of
those links.
WC3 Validator would probably help, if I could find
out what doctype goes on plain old hypertext.
⁂ The link checker showed me that there was an extra
dot in each image link. Fixed those, and
now the tutorial works. But I can't make
the link back to the table of contents work.
Found and repaired a broken link in 2016SEW1.HTM
and declared it closed out.
Couldn't sleep; got up in the wee sma hours to
polish January-June 2016. Finished adding
non-breaking space; only one had been
missed. Searched for hyphens with line
breaks after them. Still need to proofread
before I can call it closed out.
A few days ago I found and repaired some mistakes
and outdated links on various pages, including a
jaypeg that had the wrong name. I should
look at my pages with Dave's computer more often.
Cut the bottom off 2016SEW1.HTM and used it to
start 2016SEW2.HTM. Haven't cleaned up
January-June yet.
Changed one word in ROUGH030.HTM — Notions.
I shall wait until after the festivities to close
out 2016SEW1.HTM and start 2016SEW2.HTM.
I think I shall make a project blog out of making
my new pocket wallet.
Found the path
fit my semi-automatic backup on exit, and
shortened the name of the subfolder to
"WRDR". Not really satisfactory.
Perhaps I should give INDEX.HTM a ROUGH0nn.HTM
name such as the trapezoid-skirt file has.
Took some pictures of the fabric for the trapezoid
yesterday, but haven't yet checked to see whether
any are usable.
Activated the trapezoid-skirt file, added (but
did not link) a file to collect musings on a
whole-bolt wardrobe.
I think I'll go edit the TOC file to indicate that
Trapezoid Skirt is now a project blog.
Added a comment to "Rotary Cutter" in TOOLS:
Inserted a missing word into the underpants
section of Women's Underwear: ROUGH039.TXT.
Found a broken image link: .gif, not .GIF.
Discovered that I've been systematically
installing picture links that say "./BLOG" —
wrong on two counts: going back is "../",
and the BLOG folders are subfolders of the current
folder. Search-and-deleted 2015SEW2.HTM,
have a way to go.
The lower-cased ".GIF" turned up in the
process. I'll have to page through all my
files from Dave's computer to see what other
mistakes don't show when I read the local copy.
I added a paragraph about my leg board to
ROUGH007.TXT: Tools.
The "patience failure" photograph has been added
to the contents page.
Added paragraph tags to pocket essay, then changed
the table of contents to point to the hypertext
version. Still needs a lot of formatting,
and should be thoroughly edited for sense.
Still haven't linked the failure picture to the
essay on patience.
I frittered away the whole morning cropping and
scaling photographs, and finding out why image
links didn't work. 2016SEW1.HTM is, for the
moment, up-to-date, but the punctuation is not
Sometime or the other, I created BLOG2.XVI, and
it, umm, contains a photo that I should have
cropped, scaled, and linked to.
The photo for the essay on patience on the
table-of-contents page has been cropped and
scaled, but not linked and captioned.
Noticed and repaired a bad link on LINKS/LINKS.HTM
on my personal site.
Haven't done anything for the pockets file.
A few days ago, I noticed "link to pocket
discussion from forgotten forum — icon on
desktop" in my to-do list. Found the icon,
moved the file into RUFFTEXT. Looked for a
place to put the link, discovered that I'm about
halfway through hypertexting the Pockets file.
I've been adding photos of the red ramie bras to
2016SEW1.HTM. Still haven't created
I should mention, in a few places, that every
directory contains a file named ED.DIR.
ED.DIR is an automatically-updated list of all the
files in a directory. Reading ED.DIR would
allow you to find the file discussed in the first
paragraph even though I didn't mention its
name. (I think it's
So I added a remark to INDEX.HTM, and also added a
link to Dave's pages.
In the process, I discovered that the link to this
file led to the closed weblog, so I added "2" to
the filespec.
Changed the reference to Facebook in this file,
because I've gotten a message or two in my inbox,
and it was not e-mailed to me.
Might be possible to correct that if I spent a few
hours learning how the site works, but it won't
work the same way tomorrow, so I won't bother.
It's probably time I started BLOG2XVI for the
illustrations to 2016SEW.HTM. The overjersy
pretty well filled up BLOG1XVI. But I've
started recording the red-ramie bra in it, and
will continue to do so.
Hmm . . . time to update the index to 2016 on the
table of contents. What's the generic term
for the sort of index that appears on the spine of
a magazine?
On the fourth, I found and repaired broken image
links in the embroidered-arrow tutorial.
Still need to link in some images.
Found and corrected some defective image links in
Noticed that I haven't linked to 2016SEW1.HTM from
the Table of Contents yet. Will start a
spine index when I do. I took, cropped,
scaled, and installed some photographs for
2016SEW1.HTM yesterday. Well, one
picture. I deleted more than half a dozen
for hand-shake. I think I'll bring the
stepladder into the parlor the next time I take a
picture, so I can brace against it.
I'm still typing 2015SEW1.HTM when I mean
⁂ Oops! The link was there, but commented
Took and installed the picture today.
In the process of scaling the picture, I freshened
the PAGESEW backups on XP; I think I then uploaded
the freshened files to wlweather, but I'm not
sure. I vaguely recall messing with
I try to mirror the local files onto the Web now
and again in case I changed a file and forgot to
upload it.
Just checked: the table of contents now
points to this file.
So all should be well with the site; e-mail me if
it isn't.
Began the 2016 sewing diary today. One of
the four pictures I took for it was unusable, but
I can take it again tomorrow.
I have yet to clean up and put away the 2015
diary. Hmm . . . must change the table of
contents to point to this file.
Really raw notes:
Sewing Diary:
Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Wednesday, 12 February 2025
Thursday, 23 January 2025
Wednesday, 25 December 2024
Monday, 11 December 2024
Monday, 9 December 2024
Wednesday, 16 October 2024
Wednesday, 25 September 2024
Saturday, 7 September 2024
15 August 2024
18 March 2024
5 March 2024
16 February 2024
Friday, 26 January 2024
Thursday, 18 January 2024
Tuesday, 9 January 2024
20 December 2023
24 November 2023
14 October 2023
9 October 2023
Wednesday, 27 September 2023
Tuesday, 26 September 2023
Photographs in Insufficient Fabric are not properly linked.
No comments on photos of pieced pillow ticks.
Friday, 22 September 2023
Wednesday, 6 September 2023
Thursday, 31 August 2023
15 August 2023
29 July 2023
Saturday, 15 July 2023
11 July 2023
Monday, 3 July 2023
20 June 2023
23 May 2023
19 May 2023
24 April 2023
25 March 2023
19 March 2023
29 January 2023
Friday, 30 December 2022
25 December 2022
Friday, 23 December 2022
6 September 2022
18 August 2022
29 July 2022
21 July 2022
19 May 2022
Tuesday, 19 April 2022
Wednesday, 23 March 2022
2:22 PM 3/20/2022
I have created a file called "blogsew.txt" in
folder Pcw, and put a shortcut to it on my
desktop. Now it's easy to write something with
Notepad when I'm in Windows, then move it to the
appropriate file when I'm in DOSBOX.
I've really, really got to get around to figuring
out how to copy this Weblog to the Web server.
11:45 PM 3/22/2022
I posted the Banner today. I'll post Weblog
1:26 PM 3/23/2022
8 March 2022
Oops, I forgot to date this one
Wednesday, 2 March 2022
Thursday, 27 January 2022
Monday, 10 January 2022
8 October 2021
11 July 2021
7 April 2021
26 January 2021
1 January 2021
22 December 2020
1 December 2020
12 November 2020
11 November 2020
22 October 2020
15 October 2020
30 September 2020
14 August 2020
7 August 2020
5 August 2020
3 August 2020
2 August 2020
2 August 2020
13 February 2020
12 February 2020
29 January 2020
20 January 2020
16 January 2020
6 January 2020
3 January 2020
25 December 2019
31 October 2019
26 October 2019
25 October 2019
13 October 2019
10 October 2019
7 October 2019
3 October 2019
div Bags, ROUGH023.HTM. repair
broken link to edge finishes -- use two zippers if
you can't find a long one
2 October 2019
27 September 2019
25 September 2019
23 September 2019
8 June 2019
7 June 2019
5 June 2019
9 May 2019
29 April 2019
20 March 2019
27 February 2019
26 February 2019
15 February 2019
14 February 2019
31 January 2019
12 January 2019
15 November 2018
26 October 2018
21 August 2018
1 August 2018
training medical-problems
log. Found many, many things wrong with the
index to that folder and never did get around to
adding the content. I must delete the link
to "ride reports" on my personal-page TOC; it's no
longer of any concievable interest to anybody, and
was of very little before.
14 July 2018
10 July 2018
3 July 2018
13 June 2018
5 June 2018
7 May 2018
4 May 2018
2 May 2018
29 April 2018
21 April 2018
19 April 2018
18 April 2018
18 April 2018
16 April 2018
8 April 2018
3 April 2018
23 March 2018
9 March 2018
8 March 2018
7 March 2018
6 March 2018
23 February 2018
16 February 2018
27 January 2018
4 January 2018
3 January 2018
1 January 2018
30 December 2017
27 December 2017
1 December 2017
17 October 2017
22 July 2017
21 July 2017
21 July 2017
14 July 2017
13 July 2017
7 July 2017
13 June 2017
1 May 2017
9 February 2017
21 November 2016
20 October 2016
11 October 2016
9 August 2016
31 July 2016
6 July 2016
1 July 2016
13 June 2016
12 June 2016
10 June 2016
12 May 2016
11 May 2016
26 April 2016
17 March 2016
16 March 2016
27 February 2016
25 February 2016
9 February 2016
8 February 2016
11 January 2016
9 January 2016
4 January 2016
2 January 2016
Back to Rough Sewing
to the writing page
Back to
the links page