PUTTING ENOUGH ICE CUBES OVER TO COVER PICKLES WHEN MELTED. Add slit in seersucker gown to to-do list 12:28 PM 8/18/2024 9:53 AM 8/20/2024 tear at neck of seersucker gown http://wlweather.net/PAGEJOY/COOKBOOK/PICKLES.HTM http://wlweather.net/Pcw/


3 June 2024

I put a box of Bikeabouts back into the attic. Then I brought a box marked "Crochet World" down, but it appears to contain Workbaskets.

That was all I could stand; it's extremely hot up there. Pity the fan doesn't work.

Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for February 27, 2024 aunt granny 12 days ago The tatting technique that my grandfather invented is very easy and efficient: Instead of reversing for the second half-stitch, one goes under the other side of the loop. Alas, I never got around to being filmed while doing it. I started writing a book to explain it, but never got beyond devising a sequence of exercises, and these lack very necessary illustrations. (The other eleven entries in the Table of Contents are in severe need of revision.) http://wlweather . net/PAGEJOY/TAT/CONTENTS.HTM https://assets.amuniversal.com/7e608690b715013c3f77005056a9545d -- It would be easier if I told you what I'm not taking http://wlweather.net/LETTERS/2024BANN/2024BAN1.HTM http://wlweather.net/PAGEJOY/TAT/CONTENTS.HTM "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> 5:12 PM 3/23/2022 Measuring interrupted to prepare supper. 6:20 PM 3/23/2022 6:24 PM 3/23/2022 measured before washing 1:36 PM 4/4/2022 sheet washed, but I forgot to measure it before -wadding- folding it. Will be making bed Real Soon Now; measure it then 10:58 AM 4/29/2022 3 yds, 10" wide 2 yards, thirty inches long 11:01 AM 4/29/2022 30 April 2022 That sheet is too long and too wide --> ------------------------------------------- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2:18 PM 4/2/2023 add to WEBLOG2.HTM: opened blogsew.txt and the Web copy of 2023SEW1.HTM and purged as far as 7 March http://wlweather.net/PAGESEW/RUFFTEXT/ROUGH055.HTM Photographs in Insufficient Fabric are not properly linked. No comments on photos of pieced pillow ticks. «»«»«»«»«» «»«»«»«»«» «»«»«»«»«» Corrected on local copy, not yet uploaded Links don't make much sense; must delete some of them Calling-Card Sewing Kit http://wlweather.net/PAGESEW/RUFFTEXT/ROUGH052.HTM Links on Calling-Card Sewing Kits are at wrong level. Back to cover page, which has a list of my other sites uploaded, but above link is broken 1:10 AM 6/14/2024 Continue to July-December Back to 2014 Back to Part One of 2015 Back to Part Two of 2015 Back to Table of Contents Links on Calling-Card Sewing Kits are at wrong level. «»«»«»«»«» «»«»«»«»«» «»«»«»«»«» 12:12 PM 3/31/2023 created photo folder for the jersey diary 7:03 AM 6/20/2023 add "double running stitch" to "hand-sewing stitches". [Alread covered] 7:58 AM 6/20/2023: remove Jessup (see HTML files) calls this "Combination Stitch". from http://wlweather.net/PAGESEW/RUFFTEXT/ROUGH022.TXT 1:14 AM 6/14/2024 still not removed 1:19 AM 6/14/2024 removed Comcast links on http://wlweather.net/PAGESEW/HandSew.htm Add to To Do: http://wlweather.net/PAGESEW/RUFFTEXT/ROUGH005.HTM#blankets -- algebra, not calculus shorten polywool pants ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &# ------- 1:31 PM 8/11/2023 YD#6 complete and in the drawer. I made an exectutive decision that that one was #6, and I "corrected" the blue mark that's too dark and looks black by oversewing with thread that is too pale and looks white. I'll try to do better when I find #7. 7:46 PM 8/11/2023 At least the green mark is definitely green. 9:47 PM 8/14/2023 I count eight pairs of yellow panties on the drying rack. There are fourteen altogether: the dozen pairs, the old pair, and the beta pair. So there should be six unfinished pairs lying around. YD#5 is lying on the sewing machine, waiting for me to mend the gaps after installing leg elastic today. I had tme to finish the job, but felt stupid and the light was poor. Aha! there are three lying on the ironing board waiting for me to install leg elastic, not two as I'd thought. Thats YD#8,9,&10. #11 is on the pattern trunk, waiting to be put into the go bag to have hand work done before sewing the casings, so it must be #12 that is in the go bag. It all adds up. Also felt too tired to iron the dress and two shirts that I washed today, plus a shirt that has been hanging around since the previous washday. The third shirt that was in the wash is, unironed, in the closet. ------------------- /sewing   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ------- wierd code points: 🚲 in HTML produces [icon of bicycle]. /wierd code points ------- URLs http://wlweather.net/Pcw/blogsew.txt http://wlweather.net/Pcw/WEBLOG2.HTM http://wlweather.net/Pcw/2022SEW1.HTM /URLs ------- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&   BANNER 10:04 PM 5/3/2023 tore dirty-work pants doing exercises 11:00 PM 4/23/2023 washrag to dressing on drain 7:25 PM 4/24/2023 doctor changed it to bandaid. 7:28 PM 4/24/2023 -- Now where are the name tags I was searching for when I found them? 7:24 PM 4/24/2023 I wonder how many of my extended family own sewing machines? At one time, that would have been close to one per nuclear family.


xxxxxxxxxxxx BAN JoeDave_20231004_0001.jpg 1:49 PM 8/23/2023 http://freefall.purrsia.com/ /Banner: ------------------------------------------------------   -- Joy Beeson http://wlweather.net/PAGEJOY/ west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A. http://wlweather.net/Pcw/blogsew.txt http://wlweather.net/LETTERS/2022BANN/PBLfront_20220427_0001.jpg http://wlweather.net/LETTERS/2022BANN/PBLback_20220427_0001.jpg http://wlweather.net/LETTERS/2022BANN/PORTRAIT.JPG --------- L---P----1----+----2----+----3----+@10-4----T----5----+----r----r----7--R-+--r COOKBOOK

Thursday, 15 September 2022 10:51 AM 9/15/2022 Potato Salad Fresh Herbs: chives basil parsley thyme oregano garlic chives Mix together before putting anything else in bowl: two tablespoons mustard powder one teaspoon turmeric four tablespoons cider vinegar two tablespoons olive oil add squirts of ranch dressing as required one teaspoon of celery seed ground in one tablespoon of salt three boiled eggs, chopped coarsely. two stalks of celery, sliced one small carrot, grated two very small onions, chopped five baking potatoes, zapped and toasted I should have gotten almost all of the ingredients of the dressing in the bowl before beginning to cook the potatoes, particularly the grinding of the celery seed. (I did do all the picking and mincing of the fresh herbs in advance, and mixed the mustard etc. to preserve them.) The crispy skins of the potatoes were my lunch, and I wanted to eat them hot. This didn't leave much of the six minutes between potatoes coming out of the oven. I discovered that instead of peeling the skins off the potatoes, scooping them out with a teaspoon is much easier (and less likely to burn my fingers), and it eliminates the need to cut them up. 5:44 PM 9/15/2022 Dave says I should have left the vinegar at the original two tablespoons. And, duh, instead of eating the skins while they were hot, I should have collected them on a plate and then toasted them just before eating. Makes them much crunchier.

Yeast Cornbread

10:36 AM 1/13/2023  

Friday, 13 January 2023

Let's see whether I get this right this time. The previous batch used half a cup of gluten, half a cup of "fine corn flour" from Greens & Spices, and three-fourths cup of water. It came out very, very tough. I have in a mixing bowl 1/4 cup gluten 3/4 cup corn flour 1 teaspoon yeast 1/2 teaspoon salt and plan to add one cup of water, stir well, cover with a plate, and let rise during my nap. 12:54 PM 2/7/2023 -- it was better, but I made the next batch with baking powder. Yeast not worth the trouble. /COOKBOOK &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& TOOTH POWDER  

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

12:50 PM 2/7/2023 1/2 cup soda, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 tsp freeze-dried oregano, 1/tsp thyme. The herb spoons were rounded a bit, but they are fluffy, so I think it was one part vegetable to two parts salt. Powder was greenish tan. 6:33 PM 3/28/2024 1/2 cup soda, 1/2 teaspoon salt, teeny pinch of mysterious leaf found in a spice jar in the freezer. Smells like some kind of mint; can't detect it in finished powder. I should have used the entire jar, with stems picked out. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&& B OO OX XX OO OX XX T OO XO XX OO XO XX C OX OX OO XX OX OX T XO XO OO XX XO XO C XX OO OX OX XX OO T XX OO XO XO XX OO C XO XX OX OX OO XO T OX XX XO XO OO OX C OX XX XX OO OO OX T XO XX XX OO OO XO C XX OX XO XO OX OO T XX XO OX OX XO OO C XX XO OO XX XO OO -- REVERSED