Exercise 4i
Hen and Chicks:
Suppose that you make one of the two rows of rings that constitute Railway
in sets of three that are not connected to each other,
and suppose that the first and last rings in each set of three are quite small,
and joined at their tips to the sides of the middle ring:
you've got Hen and Chicks, which was introduced to me as
"The simplest pattern in the world."
It's as easy to work as Railway,
but gives you something to think about while you are working it,
and the vandykes that appear and pass behind give you a definite
feeling of progress —
Railway can make you feel like a train passenger who can't see out the window.
Hen and Chicks can also be eased around a corner,
thanks to the deep notches on the outer edge.
If you are eager to begin making edgings,
Hen and Chicks is a good place to start.
On to Exercise Five:
Back to Exercise 4h: Railway Edging
Back to Exercise Four
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