21 August 2020
World Wide Folklore Round Robin
Re-start round
In case of loss, I made a PDF file of Patricia's letter and posted it at http://wlweather.net/LETTERS/FOLKLORE/WWFRR20200821.pdf
This letter will be http://wlweather.net/LETTERS/FOLKLORE/WWFRR_20.HTM
I stuck this RR on the fridge so that I wouldn't forget it, then I went on a long bike ride and posted the map I left for Dave on top of it, and it was a long time before the maps piled up enough that I thought it time to clear off the fridge.
Not that I've been riding much. Bicycling is the perfect socially-distanced exercise -- but I can't go anywhere! Tomorrow I plan to pack a picnic lunch and eat it in Tippy Park, then come back the longer way so that I can verify that "The Farm" vegetable stand succumbed to the plague. The last time I went by, it was plausible that they would open when the corn was ripe -- were it not that signs that have always been left up all winter and re-painted in the spring had been taken down.
That will be ten whole miles, mostly level. Big whoop.
Otherwise, my routine has been undisturbed, since we are both long retired.
I've actually been doing less book reading, though my niece just reminded me that she works at the library and I can ask her to bring me books. I plan to ask for Penric's Progress and Penric's Mission, the only two hardcopy Bujolds that I haven't read. Our library has more e-books and audiobooks than books now, rendering it pretty much useless to me. I can easily get e-books without the library's help, and I don't have enough patience to listen to an audiobook. I didn't have that much patience even when I still knitted socks.
I finished two of the novels I carry in my waiting-room bag: _How I Saved the World_ by Phillip Slater and _Miss Seeton by Appointment_ by Hampton Charles.
_How I Saved the World_ was mediocre, making it perfect for a waiting room. _Miss Seeton_ left me wanting to keep an eye out for other books in the series, and reviews say that Hampton Charles was the weakest of the authors who worked on the series.
On Baen's Bar Slush Pile, I'm following _The Golden Woman_ by Aethelred. Fascinating far-future space opera, but he may put a chapter up for comment several times before writing the next one.
This time I left the letter in the scanner and forgot about it until I needed to scan a map snippet.
Last night, I clicked on some icons on my desktop before going to bed, discovered that one of them opened an E-book of Friedman's _Salamander_, and didn't get to bed until after four in the morning even though I'd read it before.
My niece brought me a hardback of Pratchett's _A Blink of the Screen_, a collection of his shorter works, many of them *very* short.