It grows as a single square stem, springing from an almost-nonexistent root, with minty-looking rounded leaves alternating.
It has no smell, and almost no taste.
These pictures were taken in early June. Each is a link to a larger image.
That's all the root it's got. The kink seems to be characteristic.
The weed growing among volunteer marigolds, italian oregano, purple basil, and smaller unidentified weeds.
Pictures taken 22 June 2017, when I noticed that it was starting to bloom.
a bud
a fully-open flower
Rough Sewing
My Writing
My personal
Dave's pages
Writers' Exchange of
the National Fantasy Fan Federation
No sitemap but:
On all of my sites, every directory contains a
text file named "ED.DIR". ED.DIR is a
list of all the files in the directory, and
updates itself automatically every time I open the
file, so it can be used as a local sitemap.
If your browser can't read *.DIR as a text file,
save-as it to *.txt. ED.DIR is easier to
read in a fixed font; it uses spaces to line up
the dots in filespecs.