Weather Station Data

Wind Direction ESE
Wind Direction Running Average 116
Wind Direction Daily Avg 0
Wind Direction Month Avg 0
Wind Direction Year Avg 0
Wind Direction 24hours ago 50
Wind Direction 24hour difference 68
Wind Direction Units °
Wind Speed 0
Wind Speed Daily Hi 6
Wind Speed Daily Hi Time 3:19pm
Wind Speed Daily Lo 0
Wind Speed Daily Lo Time 12:00am
Wind Speed Running Average 0
Wind Speed Daily Avg 1
Wind Speed Month Avg 2
Wind Speed Year Avg 3
Wind Speed Rate -0.2
Wind Speed Rate Hi 4.6
Wind Speed Rate Hi Time 3:38pm
Wind Speed Rate Lo -1.5
Wind Speed Rate Lo Time 3:25pm
Wind Speed Monthly Hi 40
Wind Speed Monthly Hi Date 7/16/24
Wind Speed Monthly Lo 0
Wind Speed Monthly Lo Date 7/1/24
Wind Speed Yearly Hi 40
Wind Speed Yearly Hi Date 7/16/24
Wind Speed Yearly Lo 0
Wind Speed Yearly Lo Date 1/1/24
Wind Speed Yesterday Hi 15
Wind Speed Yesterday Hi Time 12:52pm
Wind Speed Yesterday Lo Time 12:02am
Wind Speed 24hours ago 0
Wind Speed 24hour difference 0
Wind Speed Units mph
Wind Gust 0
Wind Gust Daily Hi 6
Wind Gust Daily Hi Time 3:19pm
Wind Gust Daily Lo 0
Wind Gust Daily Lo Time 12:00am
Wind Gust Running Average 1
Wind Gust Daily Avg 2
Wind Gust Month Avg 5
Wind Gust Year Avg 8
Wind Gust Rate -0.5
Wind Gust Rate Hi 2.2
Wind Gust Rate Hi Time 10:14am
Wind Gust Rate Lo -4.1
Wind Gust Rate Lo Time 5:00pm
Wind Gust Monthly Hi 40
Wind Gust Monthly Hi Date 7/16/24
Wind Gust Monthly Lo 0
Wind Gust Monthly Lo Date 7/1/24
Wind Gust Yearly Hi 40
Wind Gust Yearly Hi Date 7/16/24
Wind Gust Yearly Lo 0
Wind Gust Yearly Lo Date 1/1/24
Wind Gust Yesterday Hi 15
Wind Gust Yesterday Hi Time 12:52pm
Wind Gust Yesterday Lo Time 12:30am
Wind Gust 24hours ago 4
Wind Gust 24hour difference -4
Wind Gust Units mph
Humidity 29
Humidity Daily Hi 74
Humidity Daily Hi Time 8:51pm
Humidity Daily Lo 1
Humidity Daily Lo Time 2:07am
Humidity Running Average 51
Humidity Daily Avg 41
Humidity Month Avg 34
Humidity Year Avg 44
Humidity Rate -22.4
Humidity Rate Hi 56.6
Humidity Rate Hi Time 8:46am
Humidity Rate Lo -47.8
Humidity Rate Lo Time 2:08am
Humidity Monthly Hi 79
Humidity Monthly Hi Date 7/17/24
Humidity Monthly Lo 1
Humidity Monthly Lo Date 7/1/24
Humidity Yearly Hi 82
Humidity Yearly Hi Date 2/17/24
Humidity Yearly Lo 0
Humidity Yearly Lo Date 1/1/24
Humidity Yesterday Hi 75
Humidity Yesterday Hi Time 10:57pm
Humidity Yesterday Lo Time 12:57am
Humidity 24hours ago 73
Humidity 24hour difference -43
Humidity Units %
Out Temp 66.0
Out Temp Daily Hi 83.5
Out Temp Daily Hi Time 6:08pm
Out Temp Daily Lo 55.6
Out Temp Daily Lo Time 6:44am
Out Temp Running Average 69.1
Out Temp Daily Avg 69.9
Out Temp Month Avg 72.0
Out Temp Year Avg 52.6
Out Temp Rate -3.07
Out Temp Rate Hi 10.19
Out Temp Rate Hi Time 8:47am
Out Temp Rate Lo -6.61
Out Temp Rate Lo Time 8:58pm
Out Temp Monthly Hi 91.2
Out Temp Monthly Hi Date 7/13/24
Out Temp Monthly Lo 51.5
Out Temp Monthly Lo Date 7/1/24
Out Temp Yearly Hi 97.6
Out Temp Yearly Hi Date 6/19/24
Out Temp Yearly Lo -7.8
Out Temp Yearly Lo Date 1/15/24
Out Temp Yesterday Hi 79.4
Out Temp Yesterday Hi Time 6:38pm
Out Temp Yesterday Lo Time 2:23am
Out Temp 24hours ago 67.3
Out Temp 24hour difference -1.3
Out Temp Units °F
Raw Barometer 29.22
Raw Barometer Daily Hi 29.31
Raw Barometer Daily Hi Time 8:10am
Raw Barometer Daily Lo 29.19
Raw Barometer Daily Lo Time 8:29pm
Raw Barometer Running Average 29.21
Raw Barometer Daily Avg 29.26
Raw Barometer Month Avg 29.10
Raw Barometer Year Avg 29.06
Raw Barometer Rate 0.009
Raw Barometer Rate Hi 0.011
Raw Barometer Rate Hi Time 10:15pm
Raw Barometer Rate Lo -0.019
Raw Barometer Rate Lo Time 4:11pm
Raw Barometer Monthly Hi 29.41
Raw Barometer Monthly Hi Date 7/1/24
Raw Barometer Monthly Lo 28.68
Raw Barometer Monthly Lo Date 7/10/24
Raw Barometer Yearly Hi 29.82
Raw Barometer Yearly Hi Date 1/21/24
Raw Barometer Yearly Lo 28.08
Raw Barometer Yearly Lo Date 1/9/24
Raw Barometer Yesterday Hi 29.31
Raw Barometer Yesterday Hi Time 10:28am
Raw Barometer Yesterday Lo Time 12:02am
Raw Barometer 24hours ago 29.28
Raw Barometer 24hour difference -0.07
Raw Barometer Units in
Total Rain 29.23
Total Rain Daily Hi 29.23
Total Rain Daily Hi Time 12:00am
Total Rain Daily Lo 29.23
Total Rain Daily Lo Time 12:00am
Total Rain Running Average 29.23
Total Rain Daily Avg 29.23
Total Rain Month Avg 26.22
Total Rain Year Avg 11.61
Total Rain Rate 0.000
Total Rain Rate Hi 0.000
Total Rain Rate Hi Time 12:00am
Total Rain Rate Lo 0.000
Total Rain Rate Lo Time 12:00am
Total Rain Monthly Hi 29.23
Total Rain Monthly Hi Date 7/17/24
Total Rain Monthly Lo 22.03
Total Rain Monthly Lo Date 7/1/24
Total Rain Yearly Hi 29.23
Total Rain Yearly Hi Date 7/17/24
Total Rain Yearly Lo 0.00
Total Rain Yearly Lo Date 1/1/24
Total Rain Yesterday Hi 29.23
Total Rain Yesterday Hi Time 12:00am
Total Rain Yesterday Lo Time 12:00am
Total Rain 24hours ago 29.23
Total Rain 24hour difference 0.00
Total Rain Units in
Wind Chill 66.0
Wind Chill Daily Hi 83.5
Wind Chill Daily Hi Time 6:08pm
Wind Chill Daily Lo 55.6
Wind Chill Daily Lo Time 6:44am
Wind Chill Running Average 69.1
Wind Chill Daily Avg 69.9
Wind Chill Month Avg 72.0
Wind Chill Year Avg 51.1
Wind Chill Rate -3.07
Wind Chill Rate Hi 10.19
Wind Chill Rate Hi Time 8:47am
Wind Chill Rate Lo -6.61
Wind Chill Rate Lo Time 8:58pm
Wind Chill Monthly Hi 91.2
Wind Chill Monthly Hi Date 7/13/24
Wind Chill Monthly Lo 51.5
Wind Chill Monthly Lo Date 7/1/24
Wind Chill Yearly Hi 97.6
Wind Chill Yearly Hi Date 6/19/24
Wind Chill Yearly Lo -28.7
Wind Chill Yearly Lo Date 1/14/24
Wind Chill Yesterday Hi 79.4
Wind Chill Yesterday Hi Time 6:38pm
Wind Chill Yesterday Lo Time 2:23am
Wind Chill 24hours ago 67.3
Wind Chill 24hour difference -1.3
Wind Chill Units °F
Out Heat Ix 65.1
Out Heat Ix Daily Hi 85.8
Out Heat Ix Daily Hi Time 6:07pm
Out Heat Ix Daily Lo 53.4
Out Heat Ix Daily Lo Time 6:44am
Out Heat Ix Running Average 70.1
Out Heat Ix Daily Avg 70.5
Out Heat Ix Month Avg 72.4
Out Heat Ix Year Avg 53.6
Out Heat Ix Rate -5.01
Out Heat Ix Rate Hi 14.29
Out Heat Ix Rate Hi Time 8:46am
Out Heat Ix Rate Lo -6.10
Out Heat Ix Rate Lo Time 9:40pm
Out Heat Ix Monthly Hi 108.8
Out Heat Ix Monthly Hi Date 7/15/24
Out Heat Ix Monthly Lo 49.3
Out Heat Ix Monthly Lo Date 7/1/24
Out Heat Ix Yearly Hi 116.4
Out Heat Ix Yearly Hi Date 6/19/24
Out Heat Ix Yearly Lo -3.9
Out Heat Ix Yearly Lo Date 1/15/24
Out Heat Ix Yesterday Hi 80.8
Out Heat Ix Yesterday Hi Time 6:39pm
Out Heat Ix Yesterday Lo Time 2:23am
Out Heat Ix 24hours ago 70.6
Out Heat Ix 24hour difference -5.4
Out Heat Ix Units °F
Dew Point 32.9
Dew Point Daily Hi 66.6
Dew Point Daily Hi Time 2:38pm
Dew Point Daily Lo -41.8
Dew Point Daily Lo Time 2:07am
Dew Point Running Average 49.7
Dew Point Daily Avg 41.7
Dew Point Month Avg 33.8
Dew Point Year Avg 27.5
Dew Point Rate -16.80
Dew Point Rate Hi 49.20
Dew Point Rate Hi Time 8:44am
Dew Point Rate Lo -78.42
Dew Point Rate Lo Time 2:07am
Dew Point Monthly Hi 80.8
Dew Point Monthly Hi Date 7/15/24
Dew Point Monthly Lo -45.2
Dew Point Monthly Lo Date 7/1/24
Dew Point Yearly Hi 80.8
Dew Point Yearly Hi Date 7/15/24
Dew Point Yearly Lo -60.0
Dew Point Yearly Lo Date 2/7/24
Dew Point Yesterday Hi 63.5
Dew Point Yesterday Hi Time 5:31pm
Dew Point Yesterday Lo Time 12:58am
Dew Point 24hours ago 58.4
Dew Point 24hour difference -24.7
Dew Point Units °F
SL Barometer 30.10
SL Barometer Daily Hi 30.19
SL Barometer Daily Hi Time 8:10am
SL Barometer Daily Lo 30.07
SL Barometer Daily Lo Time 8:29pm
SL Barometer Running Average 30.09
SL Barometer Daily Avg 30.14
SL Barometer Month Avg 29.97
SL Barometer Year Avg 29.94
SL Barometer Rate 0.009
SL Barometer Rate Hi 0.012
SL Barometer Rate Hi Time 10:15pm
SL Barometer Rate Lo -0.019
SL Barometer Rate Lo Time 4:11pm
SL Barometer Monthly Hi 30.29
SL Barometer Monthly Hi Date 7/1/24
SL Barometer Monthly Lo 29.54
SL Barometer Monthly Lo Date 7/10/24
SL Barometer Yearly Hi 30.72
SL Barometer Yearly Hi Date 1/21/24
SL Barometer Yearly Lo 28.92
SL Barometer Yearly Lo Date 1/9/24
SL Barometer Yesterday Hi 30.19
SL Barometer Yesterday Hi Time 10:28am
SL Barometer Yesterday Lo Time 12:02am
SL Barometer 24hours ago 30.17
SL Barometer 24hour difference -0.07
SL Barometer Units in
Pressure Altitude 658
Pressure Altitude Units ft
Cloud Base 8285
Cloud Base Units ft
Density Altitude 1285
Density Altitude Units ft
Virtual Temperature 67.3
Virtual Temperature Units °F
Vapor Press 0.19
Vapor Press Units in
Daily Rain 0.00
Daily Rain Units in
Hourly Rain 0.00
Hourly Rain Units in
24 Hour Rain 0.00
24 Hour Rain Units in
Rain Rate 0.000
Rain Rate Units in/hr
Wind Run 15
Wind Run Units miles
Degrees Heating 2.4
Degrees Heating Units °F
Degrees Cooling 7.0
Degrees Cooling Units °F
Moon Phase 21
Moon Phase Units
Monthly Rain 7.20
Monthly Rain Units in
Deg Heating Month 20.9
Deg Heating Month Units °F
Deg Cooling Month 202.9
Deg Cooling Month Units °F
Wind Run Month 1071
Wind Run Month Units miles
Deg Heating Year 3199.8
Deg Heating Year Units °F
Deg Cooling Year 623.3
Deg Cooling Year Units °F
Wind Run Year 17112
Wind Run Year Units miles
Heat Stress ---
Comfort Level Comfortable
Forecast Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precip possible within 24 to 48 hrs
Forecast Units
Barometric Trend Steady
Barometric Trend Units
Pressure Trend Steady
Pressure Trend Units
Beaufort Scale Calm
Date 7/26/24
Time 10:43pm
Sunrise 6:36am
Sunset 9:08pm
Moonrise ---
Moonset 12:43pm
Windspeed Verbose East South East
Moon Percent 62%
Moon Day 22
Version No. V14.00
Weather Station Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2
Station Description
Station Location
Station Longitude -85.8218002
Station Latitude 41.2200012
: Forecast
Country Station
Radregion Station
Timezone Station
Station Forecast Day 1 Day 1
Station Forecast Hi Temp Day 1
Station Forecast Low Temp Day 1
: Warnings
Warning Description Location 1
Warning Description Time 1

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