I decided to make a book, one burlap page worked in green Knit-Cro-Sheen for each chapter in the second section of The Stitches of Creative Embroidery by Jacqueline Enthoven:
The first chapter started out well. Note the three "bone" rings for inserting the page in a three-ring binder. There were supposed to be alternating paper pages with notes, but I never wrote them.
Each image on this page is a link to a larger version of the same image.
The first chapter didn't quite all fit onto one page. There aren't a lot of flat edge-finishing stitches, so I settled for hemming these two pages.
The second chapter dealt with looped stitches.
The back of the loop-stitch sampler. Here, neatness was less important than making it plain where the thread began and ended.
Then the looped stitches are joined into chains. I got bored with the bone rings and worked buttonholed loops instead.
It would appear that I never made it into knotted stitches, but did learn three different eyelets.
Later on I read an article about shisha embroidery. Lacking mirrors, I used pennies.