"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> 2023 diary of my pink cap
file created 1:59 PM 10/9/2023

Ear-Covering Do-Rag Construction Blog

Saturday, 14 October 2023

The muslin cap was made by sewing a rectanguler brim to a back that appears to have been shaped like a rectangle with a half circle on top.

A box pleat 1 3/4 inches wide was formed at the center of the bottom of the back -- two 7/8" knife pleats on the inside -- and the bottom edge was hemmed. The french seams were pressed to the outside, so that they lie under the brim when the cap is worn. No special attention was needed at the front because the front of the brim is a selvage.

Ties were sewn halfway between the seam and the front edge of the cap. When worn, the brim was folded back. For wear under a helmet, I leave the brim unfolded, which looks like a poke bonnet, but doesn't come forward enough to sheild eyes from the sun. I smooth the top of the brim down, as I would tuck a scarf around my face.

The original ties were a quarter inch wide and ten inches (23 cm) long. I found the narrow ties difficult to tie and untie, so I picked them off and replaced them with half-inch twill tape twelve and a half inches long.