Joy Beeson

1700 Park Avenue
Winona Lake, Indiana 46590
574 268-9539

Harold Marcum
P.O. Box 286
Kermit, West Virginia, 25674

Patricia King
755 Glen View Drive
Nashville, Tennessee 37206

                                                            Tuesday, 31 October 2107

World Wide Folklore:

When Dave handed me the stiff envelope, commenting "it looks like real mail", I told him it was a round robin with three people on it and he said "sounds more like a dead sparrow."


My least favorite Star Trek episode is the one that is based on the premise that children can't learn anything.  (A long-life drug developed on one of Star Trek's three-acre planets causes adults to go mad and die, leaving children to fend for themselves until they mature and die.  When found centuries later, they appear to have been orphaned just long enough for their clothes to get dirty.)

Much later, I realized that this premise is basic to our culture: maturity comes automatically with the passage of years, so (for example) if sixteen- year-olds don't know how to drive, the solution is to wait until they are seventeen to let them start practicing.

And one must never, ever allow children to practice working or bearing responsibility.

                                                            Thursday, 2 November 2107

I went on a five-hour bike ride yesterday. Which meant skipping my nap. I miss the days when department stores had couches in the ladies room, and rocking chairs on the mezzanine. I got to pet the shop cat at Open Air Nursery and Greenhouses.


Renal failure will definitely take your mind off your correspondence!

                                                            Mrs. David E. Beeson