stitch on chin needs to be removed.
The information leaflet with my omeprazole suggests that I may be short on B-12. Should I eat more liver, take pills, or say "It ain't broke, don't fix it."?
The latest round of Fluconazole doesn't appear to have done anything. I'm beginning to think that that is just the way that toenail grows.
The sprain never quite went away, but is as near healed as doesn't matter. I make a point of moving my arms through their full range of motion every day, and my shoulders appear to match each other.
The little blisters that have sporadically appeared on my hands for the last sixty years appear to no longer be an issue.
Rubbing A&D ointment on my shins keeps it in check.
I walk to church nearly every Sunday, half a mile each way, and climb every working staircase in the building. Since I have a key, I continued this exercise during the pandemic.
I try to ride my bike at least once a week. Flopped badly during the pandemic because I had nowhere to go. Also had to take time off while the Mohs surgery on my nose was healing. (I hope to resume after my appointment next week. I'm already allowed to do my sciatica exercises.)
I've been reasonably faithful with back exercises morning and evening, except while healing from the surgery, and I put my arms through their range of motion at least once a day. I also store things I use frequently on the top shelf, so that I have to reach up for them.