E:\LETTERS\2018BOJB.HTM PAIN DIARY 5 SEPTEMBER TO 24 SEPTEMBER Note: this document is formatted to read the source code. Will be a bit off when viewed with a browser.  

5 September 2018

When it was time to get up from my nap, the back pain was gone, but my left thigh was quite sore.

I was not rested, but I was in touch with reality.

Thigh not bothersome when walking, but back pain was detectable. Both subtle when sitting, but thigh pain gets worse and I stand up every few minutes.

I plan to sip seltzer and read the newspaper until time for supper.  

6 September 2018

Some pain while falling asleep, but I've forgotten the details. Lying flat on my back while debating whether it was time to get up, I shifted slightly and touched off the left outer thigh from hip to kneecap. Further shifting reduced it to the "I would like to hurt" that I can usually feel when I pay close attention. I twice felt stinging in the back that went away when I felt to see whether it was at the injection site.

I felt pain in the back when I bent over to pick up the cat's water dish.

Right now (8:10; I've been up since a little before eight) the front of my thigh reminds me that I should stand up at intervals while typing.

And I feel a slightly-tired sensation across my lower back, below the waist but above the band- aid, which goes away when I rub it.


Morning: squatting just fine, but I ought not to bend over.

Naptime: Pain from hip through kneecap while trying to get to sleep, woke up rested, had to concentrate to feel pain. Thightop wants me to stop typing now.


Absent-mindedly bent over to pull a weed, didn't hurt.

Thought I would resume exercise this evening, but my back hurt when I lay on the floor, so I did only the pelvic tilt and a sloppy knee pull.

Thigh doesn't object to typing. Back does.  

7 September 2018

pain in right leg, pain in left, no recurrence, no pain at 6:30, back wants me to go back to bed


Shortly after going to bed, I lay on my stomach with my left hip on the pillows, and noticed my right leg hurting after the manner of the left leg. Shifting position touched off the left leg and I haven't noticed any pain in the right leg since. I was able to lie on my left side for a short time after that.

I typed a cryptic note about it after the cat reminded me, upon hearing the clock strike 6:30, that I'd forgotten to top off his food before going to bed. I hadn't yet gotten back to sleep after getting up at six to take my levothyroxin. It was due at three, so I slept well.

Tried lying on left side a little after seven, touched off my left leg, but it abated while lying on my back. It was painful at time to get up, but didn't interfere with getting out of bed.

I resumed exercising this morning. I have lost ground, particularly in the straighten-leg-and- lift it. I touched off the left leg again, hip to kneecap; it has been at least sensitive all morning, and sometimes I have to be careful not to limp.

I noticed a visual migraine while preparing breakfast. This has been going on for decades.


My left leg ached before, during, and after my nap. I didn't notice when it stopped.

Washing dishes before supper aggravated my backache. It is relieved when I push back against the secretary chair, and when I lie on the bed with knees bent.


Evening exercises didn't touch anything off, and I had no trouble getting down or up again. I've already regained what I lost in the skipped day and a half.

Back still tired in a symmetrical streak about waist level. Still likes pressure with my knees bent.

If I pay close attention, my left leg hurts at the side of the hip and upper thigh, and I'm slightly aware of the numb spot.  

8 September 2018

No memorable pain while falling asleep, backache gone upon rising, morning exercises touched off the hip-to-knee pain in left leg, which went away by the time I'd combed my hair.

Unless I concentrate real close.


I absent-mindedly bent instead of squatting several times today. I mostly got away with it, but my back hurt for some time after I scooped the cat box.

At the fairgrounds farmers' market, I felt pain in my right side for a few steps.

A little pain in left leg at nap time. Very little pain from evening exercises.  

Sunday, 9 September 2018

Tried lying on my left side soon after going to bed. It hurt, and my left leg hurt afterward, but not enough to prevent sleep.

I had a mild calf-cramp in my right leg some time during the morning hours. I was already awake at the time, and went back to sleep as usual.

No pain on getting up, but I'm slightly aware of the part of my back that sometimes hurts. Left leg hurt when I lay flat on the floor, and complained of most of my exercises. Still hurts as I type, but is relieved on standing up. I expect it to walk out.


Almost sat through the whole church service. Went out to climb stairs during the final prayer.

A little pain while falling asleep for my nap; I'd forgotten about it when I woke up. Vague complaints from the back, and the top of my right foot is sore between the ball and the ankle. Tryiing to feel exactly where it is worked out about half of it. I think I slept on it -- I slept like a rock.  

10 September 2018

I've forgotten my evening exercises. Morning exercises hurt a little, but the pain didn't persist.

I slept well. Lay on my left side for some time, but dared not snuggle. Some pain after rolling to the right side and putting my leg on pillows. My neck was sore on the right side from lying with it bent too long; can still (10:11) detect it if I turn my head from side to side. Odd minor cramps in legs and right foot while getting Dave up.

Morning exercises not unusual. Left hip hurts when I type too long. Standing up and sitting back down resets it.

Checking the neck pain seems to have worked it out.

Just turned my attention to the back pain. Slight sensation of aware where the pain comes. (It there a medical term for that?)


I didn't notice anything while washing the clothes and packing a box for Goodwill. My back is glad that I'm about to take a nap.  

11 September 2018

Detectable pain in left leg while falling asleep. No difficulty during the night or upon rising. Back is better, but still sore. I mostly don't notice.

Slight difficulty in trimming nails of left foot. Side of top of left thigh objects to typing.


Some pain in left leg upon lying flat on the floor. It didn't object to any exercise before the five-count leg lift, but was sore upon rising.


Dressed & fed & out the door. Leg hurts when I ask myself whether it hurts. 11:21


Back sore all day. I mostly have to ask myself about it, but there have been twinges, and I felt a sharp pain while unloading my bike at Goodwill. I had probably bent over incautiously.

Aware of leg only when I pay attention to it.


Getting down on floor for my nine-o'clock exercises hurt my back. Getting up afterward didn't, but I think it's more sore than before.

The straighten-leg-and-lift caused enough cramp on the front of the thigh to abort two or three of the left-leg repeats.


12 September 2018

I lay on my left side a good quarter of an hour before going to sleep last night. Ignorable pain in left hip and thigh when on right side. I don't recall lying on my back. Woke at two-thirty and six, got up after eight.

One "ow!" in back when getting onto the floor for morning exercises; felt left hip and thigh some, particularly in #5, the last of the four important, where I raise one leg five times.

No pain on getting up. I have a small pain on the right side of my back, which goes away when I rub it. I'm aware of the hip and thigh, particularly while typing.


No trouble in the leg, but my back has been sore with occasional spasms all day, and now (19:46) my right arm hurts. I haven't done anything strenuous.


About a quarter past eight, the cat escaped, I chased him down, bent over to pick him up, and didn't even remember to bend my knees before straightening my hips -- and it didn't hurt.

Background ache is still there, though. And I forgot to mention that I have had stitches in my right side a few times.


Back hurt for a moment when I lay on the floor for the nine-o'clock exercise, but adjusted. Minor pain in left leg during exercise, not appreciably more sore when I got up. Right arm still sore, but I have to look for it.


13 September 2018

Slight adjusting pain in back when I lay down for exercise. I normally roll to the left when getting up, but this morning there wasn't room and I rolled to the right. This caused pain in the left leg.

I am now having minor pain in the left leg, no pain in the back.

I don't remember the night. Some positions caused minor pain while falling asleep.


No discomfort at evening exercise, and I got up without furniture. I noticed a backache after rising, but I think I'd just noticed what had been there. Backache now seems to center on right, just below the waist.


14 September 2018

I woke up at 6:00, moved, and got cramps in the front of the left leg, in the ankle bend and along the muscle just to the left of the bony streak. Neither rubbing nor pushing on my other foot helped, so I got up and walked around a little. Went back to bed, slept until after eight, and forgot the incident until I was settling in for my nap. I think that I wrote the following just before lying down:

Haven't noticed the back pain much today. Just got a back twinge close to the left hip joint.

Morning exercises were comfortable, and I got up easily. I've done some bend-over work today, and I got away with it.

When I pay attention, I have a vague pain across the lower back.


Evening: I have a crampy sort of pain on the left side of my lower back. Stops when I press on it, then fades back in. Also stops for a while when I stand up.

More bending over in the afternoon. No yeowches.


I do believe that my evening exercises made my back-ache better, though with such a mild backache it's hard to tell. I got up without thinking about it.  

Saturday, 15 September 2018

I've been too busy doing things to take note of whether they hurt. I do remember a cramp in my left leg at six in the morning; I'm pretty sure it was in the calf, where a morning cramp is supposed to be. It resolved in a few seconds, without any need to stand up or push on my foot.

At three in the afternoon, mild pain in back. I think I noticed it while riding. Concentrating on my left thigh causes gentle waves of almost pain. About to lie down for nap.  

16 September 2018

I lay on my belly for a quarter of an hour last night, and it wasmy neck that suggested that I roll over.

My backache was gone when I woke up, but I got a twinge when bending over, and it hurts when I pay attention while typing.


Detectable pain in left thigh during knee cross, thigh now-that-you-mention-it sore when I got up.

Can't detect pain in back from typing -- yet.


I not only sat in a pew that wasn't the one against the back wall, I stayed in it through the entire service!

Incautious moves sometimes cause a mild twinge in back, typing causes borderline sensation of top of thigh, I think my back would like to hurt.


Top of thigh hurt when I lay down for a nap, and every change of position made it worse. After three-quarters of an hour, I got up, whereupon it became much less noticable, but I get twinges in the back *without* being careless.

Still a pretty good day.


17 September 2018

Back still sore. Had to grab the sink to cough -- I think that was yesterday. Some twinges, but mostly must pay attention to notice the ache. It goes away when I put a warm hand on it.

Bending doesn't hurt, but isn't a good idea.  

18 September 2018

No nap yesterday. Pain mostly in back -- one "aiya papaiya" on way to rest room while prepairing to leave Dr. Rahn's office.

Some discomfort in left leg while falling asleep. I slept on my left side a little bit, but spent most of the night in the usual position, on my right side with left leg and shoulder on pillows.

Nothing memorable during morning exercise. Back slightly sore, but it took it until now to complain of typing, and then only because I asked.


Back continued sore, but I mostly didn't notice. Twinges on occasion. I lay on my back with knees bent a few times. It was washday, but I dried everything on racks, so I don't know how reaching would have done.

The front of my left thigh can be felt if I pay attention, and sometimes upon standing up to relieve the back.

Right now (8:44) I'm feeling pain *above* the waist. But not far.


Evening exercises made my back feel better, but lifting my legs caused a definite sensation in the front of my thigh. And I don't now have to pay quite as close attention to notice it.  

19 September 2018

Now that's weird. The first exercise, where I hug one knee and straighten the other leg, hurt my left leg. The one where I lift my legs didn't.

Leg doesn't hurt unless I compare my legs or rest my elbow on it. Very lightly rest my elbow.

Back still sore enough that it hurts to cough. At this instant, it doesn't hurt enough that I can record where. I felt a twinge in the butt/hip joint. I get urges to rub my back low on the outside, on a level with the bumps that indicate the illiac.  

20 September 2018

Back sore today, but very few twinges. I need to be careful about bending.

I think the numb spot has moved over onto the front of the thigh.  

21 September 2018

I noticed this morning that when I do the straighten-and-lift, I can see my toes. May have been going on some time, as I often close my eyes, The right leg seems to be a tad stiffer than the left.

Back pain gone -- but I felt a slight sensation on sitting down. (It got more distinct while typing.)

Some exercises hurt the front of the thigh, at the top close to the joint. Some pain in entire front now, particularly when I rest my elbow on it. Seems to be the position, rather than the very slight pressure.

I don't recall any pain in my rotator cuff while I was waving my arms around, but I wasn't paying attention.


I coughed, and felt movement in the back, but no pain.


That was in the morning. I coughed in the afternoon and it hurt significantly.

Evening now. Slight pain in back while typing. I washed dishes and made marmelade, both of which tempt me to stand motionless. ***************************************************************** *****************************************************************

Notes to be condensed before September 5


21 August 2018

Slept through the night -- was able to lie on my left side.

The front of my left thigh *does* hurt; I just hadn't been paying attention.

I was very depressed when I woke up from yesterday's nap, but it had passed off by supper time.


21 August 2018

Questions: Is it possible to have depression for twenty minutes? When getting up from my afternoon nap after the shot, I sat on the edge of the bed thinking "I've used up my tolerance for pain the way I used up my tolerance for loudspeaker music in a shopping center in 1964. I need a good night's sleep and I'll never again get one." Note: I haven't had a bad night since I started the gabapentin on August 6, so I was not in touch with reality. I spent the rest of the afternoon sipping seltzer and reading back issues of the Times Union, and was back to normal when it was time to make supper.

I could lie on my left side that very night -- can the injection work that fast?


23 August 2018

I lied when you asked me whether the front of my leg hurt. Pains there have been frequent, and felt very familiar. Sometimes merging into the hip pain, sometimes just from mid-thigh to the middle of the knee.

Got up pain-free this morning. Exercises restored the status quo. I expect walking and cycling to work it out.  

31 August 2018

How soon can I ride a bike?