27 July 2017

Testing: program works; keyboard still stinks. 28 July 2017

28 July 2017

The old battery in this laptop works well enough to prevent disaster when I pull the plug out by accident.

"Beep at spelling mistakes" appears to be one of the settings that doesn't work under Windows. I didn't bring the PC-Write manual, and I've long since forgotten how I set that.

I got here about half-past three. I forgot to write down the time when I left.

All that was left when we reserved was an ADA room. Which is just as well, since some of the features -- such as grab bars -- can contribute to continuing to not need an ADA room. But the designers forgot three important points: Not all of the people who use wheelchairs are confined to wheelchairs, not all cripples use wheelchairs, and some crippled people travel with able-bodied companions.

In other words, there isn't any peg to hang my hat on even though the presence of such a peg wouldn't inconvenience a wheelchair user in the slightest.

Oops, I forgot to bring any way to make a back-up copy of this file. Also forgot to bring my nightgown.

30 July 2017

Losing these few paragraphs wouldn't be a tragedy, but making two backups is part of closing the document. I feel loose-ended.

I thought the shower chair didn't fit into the tub, and put it in sideways and sat on the end of the bench. I found it in the tub right-way round after the room had been cleaned, and it's quite easy to take it out and put it back. I looked underneath to see whether the legs could be adjusted narrower, but higher/lower is all there is. Is it a different chair, or was I really, really awkward?

I spent most of today at Alice's house, where Larry and his sister barbecued chicken for our lunch, and I had supper at Appleby's with Nancy, Kathy, Alice, and Donnie.

I'm planning to appear at tomorrow's barbecue with neither devilled eggs nor potato salad.

Weird. I've made several typos, some of them on purpose, and nothing beeped. I didn't change nuthin'.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017SEW

30 July 2017

That turned into a bit of a saga. When undressing tonight, I remembered that I'd packed a package of brand-new socks that hadn't been marked to show which side is the back, and I wanted the pair I'd worn to be marked before I washed them. I took out the sewing kit I carry in my pocket wallet, because it is worn and I thought it a pity to replace it with all its thread unused. Opened it: no needle. Hastily checked the sewing kit in my large wallet: two needles. I put the functioning kit away, and opened my little bag of stuff intending to get a needle out of the little box of stuff inside it.

Before finding the little box of stuff, I found a sewing kit compact I'd bought for the sake of the mirror, intending to carry it in my pocket on Sundays so I could check the back of my head before going upstairs. This contained an assortment of colors, all fine synthetic, and one bright red. All components were present: a card of threads with two needles passed under the windings, two buttons, one safety pin, and a needle threader. I unwound the red thread with much difficulty, because all the ends were in the same notch at the end of the card, and they passed over the windings. I selected the smaller needle; the eye appeared too small for the thread. I resorted to the threader, and it still didn't want to go, but yielded with a pop when I pulled slightly harder.

The when the bar tack was complete, I went for the folding scissors on my key chain and found an empty lobster-claw clasp. Thought for a moment I'd have to resort to one of the razor blades in the calling-card kits, but remembered that there's a larger pair of folding scissors in my large wallet.

All three pairs are now marked, and so to bed.

30 July 2017

While dressing, I cleaned out a pocket I'd kept my kechain in, and found the scissors.

I don't have as much faith in the lobster claws as I used to.


30 July 2017

The beep must be in ed.htm -- it re-appeared when I opened this file directly from FREEDOS yesterday evening; this morning I opened from ed.dir, and the beep is gone.

We're all heading for Alice's house as soon as ready to go. Kathy and Nancy plan to stop at Walmart; I'm driving straight through.

Found out where Helen Dukes Price hooks into the family: she's the daughter of Mom's cousin Bernice Dukes.

With all the practice, I'm planning to drive through Frankfort tomorrow and go up 29 to get home. Probably be a lot worse on a Monday than on a weekend, Hot Dog Festival notwithstanding. On 28 I saw no hint of the festival, but it was said that around the courthouse, it was a mess.

I laughed when dust flew off when David closed his trunk, and said "been driving on a gravel road, have you?"

When I got back to the hotel, dust flew when I closed the passenger door after taking my stuff out.

I've been driving east in the morning and west in the evening, and wishing my hat brim had a black lining. 28 isn't too bad because there are very few people on it, but Monday at go-to-work time will probably be another matter. I should fetch in the map book and see whether there is another way.

Alice and I napped together after everyone else had left. Larry read a book.

Duh. I do have a help file. ALT F2, F7 turns the beep on and off.

31 July 2017

DOS may be out of date and obsolete, but if I turn the computer off and then think of something more to say, I can push one button and be back in business as quick as turning on a light.

Somebody's car alarm went off at a quarter to seven. It had stopped before I got to the window to see whether it was mine. I could have used another hour of sleep, but didn't see any use in going back to bed.

I want to drive through downtown, and 28 needs more construction than it's getting, so I think I'll set the GPS to take me to Michigantown.


TO DO: put sandwich bags in the zip-lock bag in the carry-on.

Put Q-tips into the pill pouch

Sort and organize grooming kit. ----------------------------------------------------------